Making the Most of Now

Making the Most of Now “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, and find your eternity in each moment.
Making the Most of Now

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, and find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” —Henry David Thoreau (1817-62) American writer, author, naturalist

How do you actually spend your days? Are you focused and committed to everything you do? If you are, that’s wonderful! But if that’s not you, does this ring a bell? Are you spending a lot of your day thinking about what has happened to you up to this moment? Or are you waiting for something to happen, for the right opportunity to come along, to get some more time, make some more money, meet the right person? Are you dreaming of what might happen next week, next month, next year? STOP!

Each day you are given is a gift. It is time to value every moment. We all have 24 hours a day. No more. No less. The clock is ticking and there will be no second chance. You cannot get time back once it has gone. What do you choose to do with your 24 hours? Are you letting life just happen? Decide to take control. Stop rushing.  Savour every moment as it happens. Take note of everything around you. Be in the moment as it happens. Listen to the sounds, observe other people, see the buds on the trees and shrubs, the spring flowers peeping out through the snow. Don’t miss what is happening now in your world.

Act as though this day was your last. What message would you like to leave? Treat everyone you meet with care, kindness and understanding. Communicate clearly. Make every encounter with another person important. Give them respect, admiration and courtesy and you will attract the same. Do what you are doing to the best of your ability. Make only commitments you can deliver. Trust yourself to say and do the right thing. Choose to be excellent in all that you do. Be more, do more, demand and expect more from yourself. Focus on what needs to be done now, on results. Prioritize your time – don’t waste it. See every challenge or problem is a chance to grow.

Live your life on purpose, not by accident. The past – it’s over with and should be nothing but a fading memory. The future – it simply hasn’t happened yet and things you do today, now, are likely to have an impact on that future. Don’t compare your present situation to anything else – accept it for what it is and make the most of it – or decide to take action now if it is not the present you want. Acknowledge that nothing will improve unless you do something about it. Be happy. Don’t wait for events or other people to make you happy. Have some fun! Start enjoying your life – now, today. Start doing things you enjoy or try something different. Keep your sense of humour, your sense of fun.

Think ‘This is my day of opportunity!’ – Every day! Seize and enjoy every moment. Every morning is a fresh beginning. What are you waiting for?

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